Sep 8, 2009

Ancient Knowledge and Patterns of Consiousness

Ancient Knowledge and Modern Science

Some preparation is needed before delving into

the secrets of information in the form of

knowledge. The explanation is simple - the

conflict between logical and spiritual

thinking (reason/science <--> faith/religion).

I have chosen the subject of "Ancient Knowledge and Modern Science" as a first step.

This article was originally published by PhD. R. Gilbert in the

June-August 2006 issue of SHIFT Magazine, which is now a monthly

e-zine for conscious culture published by the Institute of

Noetic Sciences. The author was involved in psychological

military research which reminds me of the identical origin of

the Internet.

For good or ill, modern life is marked by our unprecedented

mastery of the physical world. This mastery can take a

beneficial form in harmony with nature, or more commonly it

becomes a destructive force, exploiting nature without

consideration of long- term dangers have become accustomed to a

steady stream of daily news reports about the human and

environmental problems resulting from shortsighted applications

of modern technology. Fundamental life- support systems such as

the oceans and the atmosphere are quickly eroding. The stark

truth is that our world is being shaped by a modern science that

manipulates life's natural patterns while often lacking the

contextual understanding to do so responsibly Yet, just as our

piecemeal exploitation of natural structures and patterns has

created a crisis, so can a new new holistic science based on

natural patterns help to resolve it.

Sacred geometry is a relatively modern term for the study of the

archetypal patterns that create everything in the material

world. The name tends to carry undertones of a secret spiritual

knowledge held and used by different traditions around the

world, and there is good reason for this association. Throughout

human history, great spiritual traditions have gathered and

cultivated private knowledge of the core patterns of creation.

Sacred geometry is often associated with sacred architecture,

the classical work of master architects and temple builders;

however, this is only the most visible aspect of this knowledge.

In reality, the deeper, often hidden, teachings apply this

knowledge to areas ranging from healing sciences to spiritual

initiation. The essential concept behind all of these

applications is simple:

Everything has a pattern, and that pattern is the key to

creating a specific effect.

From a holistic perspective, what we can call sacred geometry

is in fact humanity's legacy of pattern knowledge from all our

forebears. At every scale of existence, from the subatomic to

the galactic, the same key patterns bring all things into

existence. It is a remarkable historical fact that many of these

same patterns (including shapes, forms, proportions, and

rhythms) have been well known for centuries, but within a much

more holistic context than today. They are part of nature's

toolbox for effecting change and expressing itself. To give

several simple examples. Nature uses the circle and the sphere

as the primal container for energy and consciousness; it uses

the vortex form to circulate and transmit energy and

consciousness from one location to another; it uses the five

perfect divisions of the sphere (popularly called the Platonic

Solids) as the basis for diverse forms of matter.

(Modern science of quantum physics has revealed that the effects

of geometrical figures, including pyramids, cones, etc. are

based on torsion fields and physical vacuum called zero energy.

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