All is Energy and human energy is hidden in emotions. They rule over 95% of our life!
As powerful as they are though, human emotions (energy) are subject to a much stronger Force - the Mind!
So saying that ENERGY is omnipotent is right but incomplete. There is something much stronger and it rules over ENERGY - information or thought!
Quantum physics has confirmed that everything in the universe is pure energy, differing only in rate of vibration. It states that all things exist as energy even beyond our ordinary physical dimension. Current scientific instruments cannot measure all rates of vibration. All things exist as energy from the lowest rate of vibration, the densest physical form of matter all the way to the highest rate of vibration in the Universe, The Source, The Supreme Reason. Some people have the perspective that the physical world of matter and energy was created and therefore may be destroyed. However, information is not created. It is indestructible and eternal.
All worlds (Universes)and human beings form ONE LIVE ORGANISM and exist in complete synchronization with each other in accordance with a pre-determined program. Just like a human creature our Universe also has a blood transporting, lymphatic, breathing and other similar systems. They have the form of a closed spiral - atmospheric stream, vortex or layer. This determines the existence of cycles in Nature.
In the course of the last 2,500 years our mother Earth has been poisoned by negative feelings and thoughts of injustice and unhappiness.
"There are many people concerned about the environment of the planet. They want to save the rivers, oceans and forest. While that may be commendable, I can tell you that the energy from so many unhappy people on this planet is what is poisoning the environment more than everything combined." (Dr. R. Anthony)
What is the way to change this energy effects? Can this be done at all?
Well, there is a simple and elegant answer to this question. It happens to be another ancient secret re-discovered by modern science recently - the union of emotions, thoughts and feelings.
You can learn all about human emotions and thoughts and the lost ancient secret how to combine and use their creative power for personal improvement and the common good. Instead of offering you some lengthy academic explanations, I invite you to watch a short and vivid presentation. Just see all the clips from 1 to 7 in the video at the bottom, then ask questions or comment. You can thank me later.
To discover this Secret Click Here!
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